Please follow the following steps in order to Register and/or Login to Al Nazaha Association website
Step 1 – Home Page
- Please go to Al Nazaha Association website via “
- Click on “MENU” on the top of the page
- Then Click on the small arrow beside “Membership” then select whether to Login or Register

Step 2 – Registration
- After clicking on “Register” a popup page will load
- You need to select whether you want to become a member in the association or just a registered user to the website.
- If you select membership in the association you will need to fill out additional fields required by the Ministry of Community Development. You will need to upload the following documents as a minimum.
- Copy of your Emirates ID (both sides)
- Personal Picture
- If you select “Registered User” then you will only have to fill the Mandatory fields.
- Kindly note, you can change your membership preferences later after registration from “Registered User” to “Membership” via your Profile page.

Step 2.1 – Registration – Mandatory Fields
- For Non-membership registration (Registered User only), you will be promoted to fill only the Mandatory fields.
- Enter your desired Username. This username will be used to login to our account our website
- Then enter your First Name. Please make sure your spell it correctly as it will be used for communication and issuance of Certifications to you.
- After that enter your Last name or Family name. Please make sure your spell it correctly as it will be used for communication and issuance of Certifications to you.
- Then kindly enter your password. Please select a password you can remember.
- In Repeat Password, kindly enter the same password again to verify you entered it correctly.
- Email fields is where you enter your email address. Kindly enter a valid and active email address as communication will be sent to that email.

Step 2.2 – Membership Details
- If you selected that you wish to be a member in the association then you will asked to fill these additional fields:
- Firstly, you may want to click on View membership categories” to get an idea of the different types membership in the association. If you click on “Click Here” a new page will load in a new window.
- After reviewing the different type of membership, you can choose between the three types:
- Working Member is for UAE Nationals
- Associate Member is for Residents and non UAE Nationals
- Student Member is for Students (UAE National or Expacts) studying in one of the Collages or Universities in UAE.
- In Upload ID, you will be required to Upload your Emirates ID (Front and Back sides)
- In Emirates ID Fields, you are required to enter your Emirates ID number
- For the Field “Are you an ACFE Member?”, please select yes if you have an active membership with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiner. After Selecting “Yes”, you will be asked to provide your ACFE Membership Number.
- In “Do you hold CFE Credential?” Kindly select Yes if you hold an active “certify” status from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. After selecting “Yes”, you will be required to provide a copy of your CFE certification issued by the ACFE.
- Lastly, kindly answer if you have ever convicted with any crime whether in UAE or anywhere else.

Step 2.3 – Registration – Additional Information
- Under this section you will be asked to provide additional information. This section will only show if you select to be a member in the association. If you select to be a “Registered user only” this section won’t appear for you.
- In the first field, kindly enter your Date of Birth
- In the Gender field, kindly select your gender “Male” or “Female”
- Mobile No. field is optional. Kindly provide your mobile number in this field as per the specified format
- Then select your Nationality. Kindly select your home nationality not your place or residence
- In the City of Residence, kindly select the city you live in in the UAE. This is an optional field
- In the Company field, kindly type the company that you work for. This field in optional
- Finally, type in your job title. This field is also optional

Step 2.4 – Registration – Submission
- In this section you will first be asked to click on the check box for “Captcha”. This is just a security measure to ensure the submitter of the form is not a program script
- Then you will see a link to the Association Terms and Condition. We recommend that you click on it and read it fully. By clicking on the link, a new page will load in a new window.
- After reading the Terms & Conditions, kindly check the tick box for Accepting these terms and conditions
- Then you may check “Send these credentials via email” box if you wish to receive your username and password to your email for record keeping. If you don’t check this box, we will not send your your registration information to your email.
- Finally click on “Register”

Step 3 – Login
- After clicking on “Login” from the menu a popup page will load for you
- You will be asked to enter your Username or Email you used in the registration
- Then you may enter your Password that you have entered during the registration process
- Finally, after entering these two fields, click on “Log In” button.

If you face any difficulties or require any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us via