About Us
Al Nazaha Association was established by the virtue of the Ministerial decree# 133/2019 with the objectives to achieve the following:
Promoting corporate integrity anti-fraud, and developing the profession and its members in the UAE community. In doing so the association may conduct training and awareness programs in the integrity and anti-fraud domains.

Promote integrity for an aware and promising community.

Provide awareness raising and meaningful activities for all social categories in order to foster the concept of integrity and anti-fraud.
Please select from the list of courses below. If you want to learn how to register and earn your certificate please visit our tutorial page.

Fraud Triangle Archived Webinar
This Archived Webinar, which was originally hosted lived on 14th of June, provides overview of the basics of Fraud Triangle theory and examples that illustrates how fraud can occur along with…
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CFE Exam Review Course (Online) 4th July- 7th July
Master the skills and knowledge you need to pass the CFE Exam by attending the CFE Exam Review Course. This online, instructor-led course will help you master the concepts tested on the…
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CFE Exam Review Course (Online) 6th June- 30th June
Master the skills and knowledge you need to pass the CFE Exam by attending the CFE Exam Review Course. This online, instructor-led course will help you master the concepts tested on the…
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CFE Exam Review Course (Online) 4th April- 28th April
Master the skills and knowledge you need to pass the CFE Exam by attending the CFE Exam Review Course. This online, instructor-led course will help you master the concepts tested on the…
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Social Engineering Workshop (Webinar)
Attend the live webinar on Tuesday 26th of October 2021 at 9pm Dubai time to gain insight about Social Engineering and its techniques, and how you can protect yourself from…
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Social Media Fraud Live Webinar
Attend the live webinar on Tuesday 26th of October 2021 at 7pm Dubai time to gain insight about the different types of Social Media frauds and how you can protect…
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Online Banking Fraud Prevention Live Webinar
Attend the live webinar on Saturday 9th of October 2021 at 8pm Dubai time to gain insight about Online banking fraud prevention. During the session, the instructor will provide the…
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Social Engineering Workshop (Webinar)
Attend the live webinar on Tuesday 26th of October 2021 at 9pm Dubai time to gain insight about Social Engineering and its techniques, and how you can protect yourself from…
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Social Media Fraud Live Webinar
Attend the live webinar on Tuesday 26th of October 2021 at 7pm Dubai time to gain insight about the different types of Social Media frauds and how you can protect…
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Online Banking Fraud Prevention Live Webinar
Attend the live webinar on Saturday 9th of October 2021 at 8pm Dubai time to gain insight about Online banking fraud prevention. During the session, the instructor will provide the…
Enroll NowMembership
Integrity (Al Nazaha) is one of the major elements that organizations focus on. With the consistent changes to the Anti-Fraud profession, keeping up to date with the new emerges in the field of Integrity and Anti-Fraud is essential for individuals mandated with fighting fraud and integrity crimes.
By joining Al Nazaha Association, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to help you combat frauds in your organization.
The board of director of the association has announced the acceptance of registration for new member and the exception of the registration fees for the year 2020 for all new members.
Our News
Developing studies, research and publications about integrity and anti-fraud in accordance
with local and International standards, and based on information issued by the official